Document (10) is an excerpt of an inorganic chemistry textbook describing chemical properties of copper. It discloses that a copper surface oxidizes in the presence of air so as to slowly form copper (i) oxide and that in the presence of carbon dioxide a plating of green basic copper carbonate referred to as "patina" is built up, which protects the copper from further destruction. To illustrate this phenomenon, the Opponents referred to the green coating on copper roofs. However, a layer of basic copper carbonate does not fall under the definition of a thin copper carbonate layer the meaning of which is explained in above point 3.2. Furthermore, document (10) fails to disclose that the copper bellow the plating of green basic carbonate is suitable as a catalyst, which would require that the copper is explicitly or implicitly defined as to be in a form allowing catalytic activities. Hence, document (10) cannot be considered to directly and unambiguously disclose the subject-matter of claim 8 of the patent under dispute and the novelty of claim 8 of the patent in suit over document (10) also has to be accepted.
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