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For Those Tears I Died: The Amazing Story About How One Song Brought Healing To Millions And Birthed


This is FANTASTIC real-life story, brought tears to my eyes for this is what SAVING a horse is all about and want for all horses that unfortunately are facing such horrible fate. THANK YOU to all that made this possible for this horse. Hope others will learn from her life story and hope to help many many more.

For Those Tears I Died: The Amazing Story About How One Song Brought Healing to Millions and Birthed

This is FANTASTIC real-life story, brought tears to my eyes for this is what SAVING a horse is all about and want for all horses that unfortunately are facing. THANK YOU to all that made this possible for this horse. Hope others will learn from her life story a d hope to help many many more.

This story has brought tears to my eyes. A huge THANK YOU to those who came together to save this mare. I have a slaughter-bound thoroughbred myself, but thank goodness she was never on a truck. (((BIG HUG))) to all of you!

"‘Thou couldst accept the glaive of Cæsar Thyself; whydidst Thou reject the offer? By accepting from the powerful spirit his thirdoffer Thou wouldst have realized every aspiration man seeketh for himselfon earth; man would have found a constant object for worship; one to deliverhis conscience up to, and one that should unite all together into one commonand harmonious ant-hill; for an innate necessity for universal union constitutesthe third and final affliction of mankind. Humanity as a whole has everaspired to unite itself universally. Many were the great nations with greathistories, but the greater they were, the more unhappy they felt, as theyfelt the stronger necessity of a universal union among men. Great conquerors,like Timoor and Tchengis-Khan, passed like a cyclone upon the face of theearth in their efforts to conquer the universe, but even they, albeit unconsciously,expressed the same aspiration towards universal and common union. In acceptingthe kingdom of the world and Cæsar’s purple, one would founda universal kingdom and secure to mankind eternal peace. And who can rulemankind better than those who have possessed themselves of man’s conscience,and hold in their hand man’s daily bread? Having accepted Cæsar’sglaive and purple, we had, of course, but to deny Thee, to henceforth followhim alone. Oh, centuries of intellectual riot and rebellious free-thoughtare yet before us, and their science will end by anthropophagi, for havingbegun to build their Babylonian tower without our help they willhave to end by anthropophagi. But it is precisely at that time that theBeast will crawl up to us in full submission, and lick the soles of ourfeet, and sprinkle them with tears of blood. And we shall sit upon the scarlet-colouredBeast, and lifting up high the golden cup "full of abominationand filthiness," shall show written upon it the word "Mystery"!But it is only then that men will see the beginning of a kingdom of peaceand happiness. Thou art proud of Thine own elect, but Thou hast none otherbut these elect, and we—we will give rest to all. But that is not theend. Many are those among Thine elect and the laborers of Thy vineyard,who, tired of waiting for Thy coming, already have carried and will yetcarry, the great fervor of their hearts and their spiritual strength intoanother field, and will end by lifting up against Thee Thine own bannerof freedom. But it is Thyself Thou hast to thank. Under ourrule and sway all will be happy, and will neither rebel nor destroy eachother as they did while under Thy free banner. Oh, we will take goodcare to prove to them that they will become absolutely free only when theyhave abjured their freedom in our favor and submit to us absolutely. ThinkestThou we shall be right or still lying? They will convince themselves ofour rightness, for they will see what a depth of degrading slavery and strifethat liberty of Thine has led them into. Liberty, Freedom of Thought andConscience, and Science will lead them into such impassable chasms, placethem face to face before such wonders and insoluble mysteries, that someof them—more rebellious and ferocious than the rest—will destroythemselves; others—rebellious but weak—will destroy each other;while the remainder, weak, helpless and miserable, will crawl back to ourfeet and cry: "Yes; right were ye, oh Fathers of Jesus; ye alone arein possession of His mystery, and we return to you, praying that ye saveus from ourselves!" Receiving their bread from us, they will clearlysee that we take the bread from them, the bread made by their own. hands,but to give it back to them in equal shares and that without any miracle;and having ascertained that, though we have not changed stones into bread,yet bread they have, while every other bread turned verily in their ownhands into stones, they will be only too glad to have it so Until that day,they will never be happy. And who is it that helped the most to blind them,tell me? Who separated the flock and scattered it over ways unknown if itbe not Thee? But we will gather the sheep once more and subject them toour will for ever. We will prove to them their own weakness and make themhumble again, whilst with Thee they have learnt but pride, for Thou hastmade more of them than they ever were worth. We will give them that quiet,humble happiness, which alone benefits such weak, foolish creatures as theyare, and having once had proved to them their weakness, they will becometimid and obedient, and gather around us as chickens around their hen. Theywill wonder at and feel a superstitious admiration for us, and feel proudto be led by men so powerful and wise that a handful of them can subjecta flock a thousand millions strong. Gradually men will begin to fear us.They will nervously dread our slightest anger, their intellects will weaken,their eyes become as easily accessible to tears as those of children andwomen; but we will teach them an easy transition from grief and tears tolaughter, childish joy and mirthful song. Yes; we will make them work likeslaves, but during their recreation hours they shall have an innocent child-likelife, full of play and merry laughter. We will even permit them sin,for, weak and helpless, they will feel the more love for us for permittingthem to indulge in it. We will tell them that every kind of sin will beremitted to them, so long as it is done with our permission; that we takeall these sins upon ourselves, for we so love the world, that we are evenwilling to sacrifice our souls for its satisfaction. And, appearing beforethem in the light of their scapegoats and redeemers, we shall be adoredthe more for it. They will have no secrets from us. It will rest with usto permit them to live with their wives and concubines, or to forbid them,to have children or remain childless, either way depending on the degreeof their obedience to us; and they will submit most joyfully to us. Themost agonizing secrets of their souls—all, all will they lay down atour feet, and we will authorize and remit them all in Thy name, and theywill believe us and accept our mediation with rapture, as it will deliverthem from their greatest anxiety and torture—that of having to decidefreely for themselves. And all will be happy, all except the one or twohundred thousands of their rulers. For it is but we, we the keepers of thegreat Mystery who will be miserable. There will be thousands of millionsof happy infants, and one hundred thousand martyrs who have taken upon themselvesthe curse of knowledge of good and evil. Peaceable will be their end, andpeacefully will they die, in Thy name, to find behind the portals of thegrave—but death. But we will keep the secret inviolate,and deceive them for their own good with the mirage of life eternal in Thykingdom. For, were there really anything like life beyond the grave, surelyit would never fall to the lot of such as they! People tell us and prophesyof Thy coming and triumphing once more on earth; of Thy appearing with thearmy of Thy elect, with Thy proud and mighty ones; but we will answer Theethat they have saved but themselves while we have saved all. We are alsothreatened with the great disgrace which awaits the whore, "Babylonthe great, the mother of harlots"—who sits upon the Beast, holdingin her hands the Mystery, the word written upon her forehead; andwe are told that the weak ones, the lambs shall rebel againsther and shall make her desolate and naked. But then will I arise, and pointout to Thee the thousands of millions of happy infants free from any sin.And we who have taken their sins upon us, for their own good, shall standbefore Thee and say: "Judge us if Thou canst and darest!" Knowthen that I fear Thee not. Know that I too have lived in the drearywilderness, where I fed upon locusts and roots, that I too have blessedthe freedom with which Thou hast blessed men, and that I too have once preparedto join the ranks of Thy elect, the proud and the mighty. But I awoke frommy delusion and refused since then to serve insanity. I returnedto join the legion of those who corrected Thy mistakes. I leftthe proud and returned to the really humble, and for their own happiness.What I now tell Thee will come to pass, and our kingdom shall be built,I tell Thee, not later than to-morrow. Thou shalt see that obedient flockwhich at one simple motion of my hand will rush to add burning coals toThy stake, on which I will burn Thee for having dared to come and troubleus in our work. For, if there ever was one who deserved more than any ofthe others our inquisitorial fires—it is Thee! Tomorrow Iwill burn Thee. Dixi."’


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